
pipe2.net is handy if you want to stream the output of a logfile (for example of a build process) on a server to a webpage to monitor progress.

Data is encrypted from end to end. It is sent via piping over SSH from your server to pipe2.net, where it is temporarily placed in fifo files (one per observer) before being sent via WSS to observers on an HTTPS web page. No data is saved. Once it has been sent to an observer, it is removed from the fifo file for that observer.

To get started, click on the "New Campaign" button at the top. You will be taken to the page for that campaign and you will see the below information with the Campaign ID filled in.

To pipe the data, you can either download the pipe2net shell script and run a command such as:

tail -n 0 -f logfile.log | pipe2net {Campaign ID}

If you want a local echo (to stderr):

tail -n 0 -f logfile.log | pipe2net echo {Campaign ID}

If you don't want to download the script, you can do it manually:

(echo "{Campaign ID}" && tail -n 0 -f logfile.log) | ssh -T pipe@pipe2.net

If you want a local echo (to stderr):

(echo "{Campaign ID}" && (tail -n 0 -f logfile.log | tee /dev/stderr)) | ssh -T pipe@pipe2.net

The password will be 'pipe'. You can also download a keyfile to go password-less.

You can then send the url https://pipe2.net/{Campaign ID} to whoever you want to be able to view the stream.

Coming Soon - create an account so that you can:

If you think you'd be interested in creating an account once I've added those features, make sure to put your email here. I promise I will only send you an email once to let you know when I have built it out and it is possible to create an account.

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